About SCC 2019
Services account for a major part of the IT industry today. Companies increasingly like to focus on their core expertise area and use IT services to address all their peripheral needs. Services Computing is a new science which aims to study and better understand the foundations of this highly popular industry. It covers the science and technology of leveraging computing and information technology to model, create, operate, and manage business services. Like its predecessors, SCC 2019 will contribute in building the pillars of this important science and shaping the future of Services Computing.
[4/23/2019] Hotel Updates !!!
[4/10/2019] Registration Policy has been published.
[9/3/2018] SCC 2019 is online.
Special Interest Groups (SIGS). Call for Volunteers for SIGs
The Services Sector has account for 79.5% of the GDP of United States in 2016. The world's most services oriented economy, with services sectors accounting for more than 90% of GDP. To rapidly respond to the changing economy, the Technical Activities Board at the Services Society (http://ServicesSociety.org/) has launched a selection procedure among our worldwide Services Computing community volunteers to contribute to the professional activities of the following 10 Special Interest Groups (SIGs).
About the Services Society
The Services Society (S2) is a non-profit professional organization that has been created to promote worldwide research and technical collaboration in services innovations among academia and industrial professionals. Its members are volunteers from industry and academia with common interests. S2 is registered in the USA as a "501(c) organization", which means that it is an American tax-exempt nonprofit organization. S2 collaborates with other professional organizations to sponsor or co-sponsor conferences and to promote an effective services curriculum in colleges and universities. The S2 initiates and promotes a "Services University" program worldwide to bridge the gap between industrial needs and university instruction. The Services Society has formed 10 Special Interest Groups (SIGs) to support technology and domain specific professional activities.
Contact Information
If you have any questions or queries on SCC 2019, please send email to scc AT ServicesSociety DOT org.