About SCC 2018
Services account for a major part of the IT industry today. Companies increasingly like to focus on their core expertise area and use IT services to address all their peripheral needs. Services Computing is a new science which aims to study and better understand the foundations of this highly popular industry. It covers the science and technology of leveraging computing and information technology to model, create, operate, and manage business services. Like its predecessors, SCC 2018 will contribute in building the pillars of this important science and shaping the future of Services Computing.
The Proceedings of ICWS 2018 will be published in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) by Springer International Publishing AG. Currently the Abstracting and Indexing services covered by Springer’s data feeds for LNCS proceedings include ISI Conference Proceedings Citation Index (included in Web of Science), Engineering Index EI (Compendex and Inspec databases), DBLP, Google Scholar, IO-Port, MathSciNet, Scopus, and ZBlMath. The Best Paper Awards will be sponsored by Springer, which is a leading global scientific, technical and medical portfolio, providing researchers in academia, scientific institutions and corporate R&D departments with quality content through innovative information, products and services.
Services Computing currently shapes the thinking of business modeling, business consulting, solution creation, service delivery, and software architecture design, development and deployment. The global nature of Services Computing leads to many opportunities and challenges and creates a new networked economic structure for supporting different business models. SCC 2018 will help in bridging the gap between business services and information technology by driving research in technologies such as service-oriented architecture (SOA), business process integration and management, service engineering, cloud computing and Web 2.0. Extended versions of selected papers will be invited for special issues in the Services Transactions on Internet of Things (STIOT), Services Transactions on Big Data (STBD), Services Transactions on Services Computing (STSC), Services Transactions on Cloud Computing , International Journal of Web Services Research (JWSR) , and International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management (IJBPIM) . Both JWSR is indexed by SCI and EI [Link]
SCC 2018 is a member of Services Conference Federation (SCF). SCF 2018 will have the following 10 collocated service-oriented sister conferences: 2018 International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2018), 2018 International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD 2018), 2018 International Conference on Services Computing (SCC 2018), 2018 International Congress on Big Data (BigData Congress 2018),2018 International Conference on AI & Mobile Services (AIMS 2018), and 2018 World Congress on Services (SERVICES 2018), 2018 International Congress on Internet of Things (ICIOT 2018), 2018 International conference on Cognitive Computing (ICCC 2018), 2018 International Conference on Edge Computing (EDGE 2018), and 2018 International Conference on Blockchain (ICBC 2018).
ABOUT SCF The International Conference on Web Services (ICWS) was first conceived in June 2003 in Las Vegas, USA. Meanwhile, the First International Conference on Web Services - Europe 2003 (ICWS-Europe'03) was held in Germany in Oct, 2003. ICWS-Europe'03 is an extended event of the 2003 International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2003) in Europe. In 2004, ICWS-Europe was changed to the European Conference on Web Services (ECOWS), which was held at Erfurt, Germany. To celebrate its 16-year-old birthday, ICWS 2018 will be held on June 25 - June 30, 2018, Seattle, USA. In the past 15 years, ICWS community has been expanded from Web engineering innovations to scientific research for the whole services industry. The service delivery platforms have been expanded to mobile platforms, Internet of Things, cloud computing, and edge computing. The services ecosystem is gradually enabled, value added, and intelligence embedded through enabling technologies such as big data, artificial intelligence, and cognitive computing. In the coming years, all the transactions with multiple parties involved will be transformed to blockchain. Based on the technology trends and best practices in the field, the Services Conference Federation (SCF) was created as a conference umbrella's code name for all services-related conferences. Today, we are very proud to announce that SCF 2018's 10 co-located theme topic conferences will all center around "services", while each focusing on exploring different themes (web-based services, cloud-based services, Big Data-based services, services innovation lifecycle, AI-driven ubiquitous services, blockchain driven trust service-ecosystems, industry-specific services and applications, and emerging service-oriented technologies)
SCF 2018 will be held on June 25 - June 30, 2018, Seattle, USA. You can also find our CFP Brochure (http://icws.org/2018/CFP-CACM.pdf) in the Communications of ACM in December 2017 and January 2018 (Backcover). Some highlights of SCF 2018 are shown below:
-- Bigger Platform: The 10 collocated conferences (SCF 2018) get sponsorship from the Services Society which is the largest not-for-profits organization (501 c(3)) dedicated for serving more than 30,000 worldwide services computing professionals. Meanwhile, Springer provides sponsorship to best paper awards and other professional activities. All the 10 conference proceedings will be published by Springer and indexed in ISI Conference Proceedings Citation Index (included in Web of Science), Engineering Index EI (Compendex and Inspec databases), DBLP, Google Scholar, IO-Port, MathSciNet, Scopus, and ZBlMath. The full papers will be made freely accessible to anyone in the Springer’s digital library after four years upon publication of the Proceedings. Bigger platform means bigger opportunities to all volunteers and authors.
-- Brighter Future: While celebrating 2018 version of ICWS, SCF 2018 launches the First International Conference on Blockchain (ICBC 2018) to build the fundamental infrastructure for enabling secure and trusted services ecosystems. It will also lead our community members to create their own brighter future.
-- Better Model: SCF 2018 leverages the invented Conference Blockchain Model (CBM) to innovate the organizing practices for all the 10 theme conferences. Senior researchers in the field are welcome to submit proposals to serve as CBM Ambassador for an individual conference to start better interactions during your leadership practices for organizing SCF 2018.
====== Member of SCF 2018 ======
Services Conference Federation (SCF) includes 10 service-oriented conferences: ICWS, CLOUD, SCC, BigData Congress, AIMS, SERVICES, ICIOT, EDGE, ICCC and ICBC.
[1] 2018 International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2018, http://icws.org/2018) is the flagship theme-topic conference for Web-based services, featuring Web services modeling, development, publishing, discovery, composition, testing, adaptation, delivery, as well as the latest API standards.
[2] 2018 International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD 2018, http://thecloudcomputing.org/2018) is the flagship theme-topic conference for modeling, developing, publishing, monitoring, managing, delivering XaaS (everything as a service) in the context of various types of cloud environments.
[3] 2018 International Congress on Big Data (BigData Congress 2018, http://bigdatacongress.org/2018) is the emerging theme-topic conference for quantitative analysis of impact on business insights from Big Data analytics.
[4] 2018 International Conference on Services Computing (SCC 2018, http://thescc.org/2018) is the flagship theme-topic conference for services innovation lifecycle that includes enterprise modeling, business consulting, solution creation, services orchestration, services optimization, services management, services marketing, business process integration and management.
[5] 2018 International Conference on AI & Mobile Services (AIMS 2018, http://ai1000.org/2018) is the emerging theme-topic conference for the science and technology of artificial intelligence, and the development, publication, discovery, orchestration, invocation, testing, delivery, and certification of AI-enabled services and mobile applications.
[6] 2018 World Congress on Services (SERVICES 2018, http://servicescongress.org/2018) puts its focus on emerging service-oriented technologies and the industry-specific services and solutions.
[7] 2018 International Conference on Cognitive Computing (ICCC 2018, http://thecognitivecomputing.org/2018) puts its focus on the Sensing Intelligence (SI) as a Service (SIaaS) that makes system listen, speak, see, smell, taste, understand, interact, and walk.
[8] 2018 International Conference on Internet of Things (ICIOT 2018, http://iciot.org/2018) puts its focus on the creation of Internet of Things technologies and development of IOT services.
[9] 2018 International Conference on Edge Computing (EDGE 2018, http://theedgecomputing.org/2018/) puts its focus on the state of the art and practice of edge computing including but not limited to localized resource sharing and connections with the cloud.
[10] 2018 International Conference on Blockchain (ICBC 2018, http://blockchain1000.org/2018/) concentrates on blockchain-based services and enabling technologies.
If you would like to join our OPEN Services community or recommend it other qualified volunteers, please use this link (http://icws.org/2018/open.html) to get started. Look forward to your great contributions as a volunteer, author, and conference participant for the fast-growing worldwide Services community.
"The new year stands before us, like a chapter in a book, waiting to be written. We can help write that story by setting goals." —by Melody Beattie
See you all on June 25 - June 30, 2018, Seattle, USA.
About the Services Society
The Services Society (S2) is a non-profit professional organization that has been created to promote worldwide research and technical collaboration in services innovations among academia and industrial professionals. Its members are volunteers from industry and academia with common interests. S2 is registered in the USA as a "501(c) organization", which means that it is an American tax-exempt nonprofit organization. S2 collaborates with other professional organizations to sponsor or co-sponsor conferences and to promote an effective services curriculum in colleges and universities. The S2 initiates and promotes a "Services University" program worldwide to bridge the gap between industrial needs and university instruction. The Services Society has formed 10 Special Interest Groups (SIGs) to support technology and domain specific professional activities.
Contact Information
If you have any questions or queries on SCC 2018, please send email to scc AT ServicesSociety.org.
Please join the worldwide services innovation community as a member or student member of the Services Society at http://membership.ServicesInnovations.org. You are also welcome to join our social network on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/groups/6546793.